Effective 4 May 2023, Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux has issued a temporary river closure order for parts of the Kaweah River. Officials will monitor water levels and river conditions throughout the summer. When safe, access to our river will be reopened to the public.
The county expects temporary emergency repairs of the Mineral King Road to commence next week and be completed by the middle of May. Permanent repairs will follow in about 8-12 months.
Thanks to information provided by partner agencies Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks is sharing a couple significant updates as part of their weekly review of estimated reopening dates. Click to learn more!
Effective Friday, April 14, public access to the foothills of Sequoia National Park will be restored following massive flooding that caused major road damage last month. Access into the Grant Grove area of Kings Canyon National Park reopened last Friday, April 7. Click for more updates.
Related to the outages in the Three Rivers community over the past year, we will be offering impacted AT&T wireless customers a service credit. Beginning April 10, 2023, and through June 1, 2023, AT&T wireless customers can call 877-910-0534 to speak with trained customer service experts to request a service credit.
Click to read more about property tax relief, road and bridge repairs, and a brief update on commercial development projects.
Sheriff Mike Boudreaux has lifted the Evacuation Warning for the Three Rivers Area. Mineral King Road is closed at the washout at approximately Mile Marker four and a half (4.5).
The Three Rivers Fire Safe Council just got confirmation that nine AmeriCorps volunteers will be arriving in Three Rivers on April 12, ready to start working with homeowners on April 13. They will be here working until April 24. If you are in need of mud and debris cleanup, clearing of downed trees, filling in entry/access roads to your home, and etc., contact the Fire Safe Council ASAP.
Access to Grant Grove has been restored, and access to the Foothills area is expected to be restored on Friday 14 April. Read more for helpful information and more expected opening dates.
The Three Rivers Fire Safe Council is working with state and county agencies as well as non-profit disaster response organizations to bring assistance to residents in Three Rivers. Eddie Valero has been a huge help in this effort. If you have sustained damage to your home and/or property email the Fire Safe Council at 3riversfsc@gmail.com.
The California Public Utility Commission is in the process of considering amendments to the existing telecommunications rules that would extend minimum quality of service requirements to cell phones and other essential communications services not currently covered under the rules. Click to learn more about how you can provide input that could affect the outcome of this process.
Click to read more about the status of county roads in Three Rivers and repair plans.