Multiple Fire Engines, Crews, and Smoke Expected

CONTACT: Battalion Chief Joe Rosa at (559)699-3283.

DATE: 27 May 2024

In preparation for the start of the 2024 Wildland Fire Season, the Tulare County Fire Department in conjunction with Cal-Fire Tulare Unit will be hosting a wildfire preparedness exercise in the community of Three Rivers and near the community of Woodlake on May 30th and 31st.

Fire equipment and crews will be assembling at the Three Rivers Roping Arena in the morning for briefing prior to the start of the exercise. During the exercise there will be multiple fire engines and crews on Washburn Drive conducting structure surveys and hose lays in preparation for the upcoming fire season. The exercise is expected to go from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm each day.

Additionally, there will be multiple fire engines and crews in the area of Road 196 near Avenue 320 in the vicinity of Woodlake The crews will be conducting training in preparation for the upcoming fire season. The live fire training will produce smoke that will be visible in the area. The exercise is expected to go from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm each day.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the Public Information Officer, Battalion Chief Joe Rosa at (559)699-3283.


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