Hero Appreciation Months 2025
Since 2007 Peter and I have been running a program we call “Hero Appreciation Months”, in which we set aside some time, and offer the community an opportunity to think about, honor, and thank our First Responders – those who have served or are serving as Firefighters/EMS personnel, Law Enforcement/Peace Officers, and in our Armed Forces. The program runs from January 1 through March 31 every year, and includes (1) a celebration on the last Friday of each month featuring individual honorees, (2) a discount program offered by local participating businesses which is in effect for the entire 3 months, and (3) a “family fun” event, which we call the Charity Bathtub Race and Picnic, that is held at Lake Kaweah on the last Saturday in March, where Bathtub Teams race for the charity of their choice with local businesses and local organizations contributing to the charity pot. For 2025 we have placed the program under the auspices of the nonprofit Three Rivers Senior League, hoping for even more community input and possible additional participation, and also to simplify the running of the program. Those interested in offering their ideas and/or their time, should feel free to contact us, Leah Launey and Peter Sodhy, at 559-561-4270.
[Source: Leah Launey]