The Year Ahead

Dear Three Rivers Community,

As your County Supervisor, I am honored to serve this vibrant, small, but mighty community. Together, we’ve accomplished much, and I’m confident that with continued collaboration, we’ll achieve even greater strides in the year ahead.

This year, we’ll focus on several important initiatives, including:

  • Expanding the use of bear-resistant trash containers to protect wildlife and minimize human-wildlife conflict.
  • Reviewing and refining our Community Plan to ensure it aligns with your vision and needs.
  • Hosting upcoming Town Halls: one with Southern California Edison to address power concerns and another with County staff to discuss vital issues like the Mountain Area Plan update and more.
  • Tackling much-needed road and drainage system repairs, improving safety and accessibility for all.

These are just a few of the key priorities we’ll be discussing and working on together. Your input is essential to ensure these efforts address the unique needs of Three Rivers.

As Helen Keller wisely said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” While challenges undoubtedly lie ahead, I believe our collective voice and shared determination will lead us to meaningful solutions.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with your thoughts or concerns. You can contact me at [email protected] or by phone at 559-636-5014 (Calls Only). I look forward to hearing from you and working alongside you to build a stronger, more resilient Three Rivers.

Thank you for your continued partnership and trust. Here’s to a year of progress and unity!

Eddie Valero
District Four, Tulare County Supervisor

Post Script: On December 3rd, the Board of Supervisors approved an agreement with the Three Rivers Community Services District (CSD) for repairs to their drinking water infrastructure per the County of Tulare American Rescue Plan Act Final Recovery Plan, in the amount of $3,200, effective December 3, 2024 through December 31, 2025. The funding will help the CSD repair a river well that serves approximately 78 homes. It was damaged during the 2023 floods. This is great news. And, if you are wondering about the CSD and what it can do for you, read our article about the CSD!