Did you or your neighborhood sustain any damage from the recent storms? Is there structural, electrical, and irrigation damage? Was your driveway affected? Is there natural or structural debris that needs to be cleared? Did winds damage your roof or siding?
Is your business suffering financial impact because of park closures due to storm damage?
Did your neighborhood drainage systems fail? Do your streets have active or incipient slides and undercuts? Are there potholes? Are sinkholes forming? Are emergency back roads and exits blocked?
Tulare County has not received a disaster designation that includes individual assistance, accordingly financial assistance is not currently available to Three Rivers residents, property owners, and business owners. Tulare County Resource Management Agency needs our active collaboration to assess the damage and determine if financial assistance may be available in the future.
- Call the Tulare County Resource Management Agency (RMA) at 559-624-7000 as soon as possible.
- Send photos of storm impact with the location to info@3rtogether.org so that the community has a record as well.
[SOURCE: County Supervisor Eddie Valero]