County Update on the Mineral King Road
[Update as of 2 May, 2023]
We opened bids and are awarding a contract to Agee Construction for $1.5m to make emergency repairs to the Mineral King Road up to the gate. This will include a single lane across the major slide area. The work should be starting next week, if not sooner. And if goes to plan, should be done by the middle of May. This work will allow us to open the county portion of the road.
We will be developing a bid package for permanent repairs in the coming weeks. This would allow construction to follow in the next 8-12 months or so depending on resources and FEMA funding.
Separately, our bridge replacement project (historic bridge across the river) had nearly made it through a major milestone by clearing NEPA at Caltrans. This will allow us to begin negotiating right of way acquisition and utility coordination (SCE flume). This puts us in a good position for the new bridge to be built next to the old bridge in 2024 assuming there are no right of way hang ups.
[SOURCE: Supervisor Eddie Valero]