Story Time at the Library
Three Rivers Branch Library 42052 Eggers Drive, Three Rivers, CA, United StatesStory time for children learning to walk all the way to little readers.
Story time for children learning to walk all the way to little readers.
Hey everyone! Lego Hour now welcomes Lego aficionados of all ages. :) Head over to the Three Rivers Branch Library and Create with Legos every Thursday from 4pm to 5pm. Click image for larger version.
Celebration and Christmas Tree Auction St. Anthony's Retreat is hosting its annual 2024 Festival of Trees on December 5th. In addition to trees, there will be hor d'oeuvres, wine tasting, craft beers, and specialty coffee. There will be a live auction at 7pm and a silent auction that will close at 8:30pm. Proceeds will benefit local nonprofits! If you don't want to drive after the event, call (559) 561-4595 to ask about a "Stay With us Package." Click image to
The Three Rivers Branch Library has a Book Club! The Book Club will meet the first Thursday of each month unless otherwise noted.
Join Shari for Intermediate Yoga Classes @ The Canopy on Thursdays at 7pm. Classes cost $15 and walk-ins are welcome. Classes take place at the Buckeye Tree Lodge
Join Eva for Vinyasa Yoga Classes @ The Canopy on Fridays at 9:3am. Classes cost $15 and walk-ins are welcome. Classes take place at the Buckeye Tree Lodge
Kid's Friday Movie is back! Every Friday at 3:30pm at the library. Tap image to enlarge.
What great book are you reading this week? Enhance your connections and gather with people in the community to find out what people are reading! This event takes place on the first Friday of each month. Click image to enlarge.
3R Chamber of Commerce proudly presents our annual NORTH FORK BRIDGE LIGHTING. Join us for this time honored tradition spreading goodness and cheer to our community! Be on the North Fork Bridge @ 6pm sharp for the lights-on-countdown! Grab drinks and treats, and visit your favorite local businesses before and after. To promote safe viewing, please gather in the Family Healthcare parking lot just before 6pm. we will then walk to view the bridge lighting. Click image to enlarge.
This Saturday, December 7 is the Lions Club Christmas tree lot at the Mercantile is having a Bake Sale beginning at 9 am! Hotdogs & Hamburgers will be available from 11am until 3pm and Santa will make an appearance from 11:30 am until 2 pm. BBQ hamburger meal with chips and drink is $10 and BBQ hotdog meal is $5. All proceeds benefit a canopy for Pat's Tow Truck in front of the museum to help protect it from the
Come join Bruce Keller to meditate on Saturday mornings at 10 in Three Rivers. We watch an inspiring video, meditate outdoors to the sound of chimes, bubbling pond and breeze in the trees. Lunch is served and the conversation begins! Call 559-561-3463 for directions and questions. No previous experience necessary.
Food * Fun* Fabulous Art EVERY 1st SATURDAY, the artists, restaurants and merchants of Three Rivers, California, open their doors and invite you to join in a town-wide celebration from 11 to 5 o’clock (unless otherwise stated on Blog and Map). You can pick up a map and schedule at Kaweah Arts and the Three Rivers Historical Museum – the map shows all participating venues, art to see, locations and times for special events. It’s time for Food, Fun and