Holidays - Three Rivers Together Holidays - Three Rivers Together

Blue Christmas Service

Community Presbyterian Church 43410 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers

JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE ADVENT AT COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ADVENT THEME: CLOSE TO HOME **Free Advent Devotionals available by email or pickup** Blue Christmas Service—Saturday, December 21st 6:00 pm—7:00 pm • A reflective remembrance service for the holidays (In person only) Click schedule to enlarge.


3RCPC “Rocks of Kindness” Decorating

Community Presbyterian Church 43410 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers

JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE ADVENT AT COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ADVENT THEME: CLOSE TO HOME **Free Advent Devotionals available by email or pickup** Third & Fourth Sunday of Advent—Sunday, December 15th & December 22nd 12:00 pm • 3RCPC “Rocks of Kindness” Decorating Click schedule to enlarge.

Christmas Eve Brunch

Community Presbyterian Church 43410 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers

Christmas Eve Brunch Free * Everyone Welcome! Click image to enlarge.


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Community Presbyterian Church 43410 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers

Please Join Us! With Live Music * Everyone Welcome! Click image to enlarge.


Annual New Year’s Day Polar Bear Dip

Gateway Restaurant 45978 sierra dr, Three Rivers, CA, United States

Wear your swim suit and meet at Gateway 15 minutes before to fill out paperwork and join the annual polar bear dip into the Kaweah River at NOON on New Year's Day. 

Event Series Visio Divina Meditation

Visio Divina Meditation

Community Presbyterian Church 43410 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers

JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE ADVENT AT COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ADVENT THEME: CLOSE TO HOME **Free Advent Devotionals available by email or pickup**  Visio Divina Meditation—Wednesdays, Dec. 4th, 11th, 18th, and Jan. 1st 6:30 pm—7:30 pm • Blends visual meditation with group discussion and bible study (In person only) Click schedule to enlarge.