Three Rivers Community Church, Harrison Hall - Three Rivers Together - Page 4 Three Rivers Community Church, Harrison Hall - Three Rivers Together - Page 4

Event Series Redbud Garden Club Meeting

Redbud Garden Club Meeting

Three Rivers Community Church, Harrison Hall 43410 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers, CA, United States

Plant lovers interested in joining the garden club are welcome to join us.  Meetings will be held on the first Monday of the month, October through June.  Planned activities for the 2023-24 year include a tour of Kaweah Dam, a holiday party, crafting wind chimes, a Master Gardener presentation on easy seed choices, a field trip to Garden of the Sun in Clovis, designing color/succulent bowls, and an annual plant sale.  Annual dues are $20. NOTE: Meeting times may change.

Event Series Redbud Garden Club Meeting

Redbud Garden Club Meeting

Three Rivers Community Church, Harrison Hall 43410 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers, CA, United States

Plant lovers interested in joining the garden club are welcome to join us.  Meetings will be held on the first Monday of the month, October through June.  Planned activities for the 2023-24 year include a tour of Kaweah Dam, a holiday party, crafting wind chimes, a Master Gardener presentation on easy seed choices, a field trip to Garden of the Sun in Clovis, designing color/succulent bowls, and an annual plant sale.  Annual dues are $20. NOTE: Meeting times may change.