On 11 July, a Three Rivers resident submitted a letter alleging that the Board of Supervisors violated the Brown Act at its 9 July meeting when it rejected the proposed ordinance regulating short-term rentals and directed staff to stop investigating the matter and conducting outreach. The Board of Supervisors will hear an agenda item entitled ‘Record of Threat of Litigation’ during a closed session as part of its regular 23 July meeting. Click the link above for details.
Tag: short-term rentals
At the Board of Supervisors meeting on 9 July, the Resource Management Agency (RMA) introduced a Draft Short Term Rental Ordinance to the Board of Supervisors. The public was informed that this was to be an informational presentation and that no vote would be taken until the 23 July meeting. Nevertheless, Supervisor Pete Vander Poel moved that the proposed ordinance be rejected and that the process be stopped “altogether.” This motion was approved 3-2 by the Board of Supervisors. Click the liink above for more information.
On Thursday 13 June at 6pm, Eddie Valero and RMA hosted a public informational meeting at the Three Rivers Memorial Building to provide an update on the short term rental ordinance. The County launched webpage today that makes the information available to the general public. Meanwhile, we have made the documents that were handed out at the meeting available on the Three Rivers Together website. Click the link for more information.
On 24 October 2023 at its 9am meeting, the Tulare County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to direct Resource Management Agency staff to bring back to the Board of Supervisors a proposed ordinance and associated regulatory program on short-term rentals within the jurisdiction of Tulare County. Click the announcement title above for links and details.
On 24 October 2023 at its 9am meeting, the Tulare County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution to direct Resource Management Agency staff to bring back to the Board of Supervisors a proposed ordinance and associated regulatory program on short-term rentals within the jurisdiction of Tulare County. Click the announcement title above for links and details.
On 24 October 2023 at its 9am meeting, the Tulare County Board of Supervisors will hear an agenda item pertaining to short-term rentals in Three Rivers. Stakeholders may provide feedback at the meeting. If, however, stakeholders cannot attend, they may submit feedback via email. Because the agenda has not yet been finalized, the process for providing feedback in the short-term differs from the process for providing feedback after finalization of the agenda. Click the announcement title above for details.