Events - Three Rivers Together - Page 24 Events - Three Rivers Together - Page 24

Event Series Yoga

Vigorous Ashtanga

Buckeye Tree Lodge 46000 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers, CA, United States

Join Shari for Intermediate Yoga Classes @ The Canopy on Thursdays at 7pm. Classes cost $15 and walk-ins are welcome. Classes take place at the Buckeye Tree Lodge

Event Series Vinyasa Yoga

Canceled Vinyasa Yoga

Buckeye Tree Lodge 46000 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers, CA, United States

Join Eva for Vinyasa Yoga Classes @ The Canopy on Fridays at 9:3am. Classes cost $15 and walk-ins are welcome. Classes take place at the Buckeye Tree Lodge


Rattlesnake Avoidance Training for our Dogs

Green "Church" Building 44027 N Fork Dr, Three Rivers, CA

From Helen Bauer : Rattlesnake Avoidance with Anthony Harper and Joel Almquest, founders of SnakeWorx  At this event, dogs are trained to the sight, sound, and smell of rattlers… and trained to leave the scene immediately! Anthony works wonders with dogs and is equally kind with their owners.  Joel is the snake "wrangler" who muzzles the rattlers with medical tape and swaps them out so they do not get 'overwhelmed' aka tired. He too answers all your questions! Dogs should

Event Series Spirit Hill Meditation

Spirit Hill Meditation

Come join Bruce Keller to meditate on Saturday mornings at 10 in Three Rivers. We watch an inspiring video, meditate outdoors to the sound of chimes, bubbling pond and breeze in the trees. Lunch is served and the conversation begins! Call 559-561-3463 for directions and questions. No previous experience necessary.

Rattlesnake Avoidance Training for our Dogs

Green "Church" Building 44027 N Fork Dr, Three Rivers, CA

From Helen Bauer : Rattlesnake Avoidance with Anthony Harper and Joel Almquest, founders of SnakeWorx  At this event, dogs are trained to the sight, sound, and smell of rattlers… and trained to leave the scene immediately! Anthony works wonders with dogs and is equally kind with their owners.  Joel is the snake "wrangler" who muzzles the rattlers with medical tape and swaps them out so they do not get 'overwhelmed' aka tired. He too answers all your questions! Dogs should

Event Series Second Sunday Paper Crafts

Second Sunday Paper Crafts

Community Presbyterian Church 43410 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers

Every second Sunday at noon, the Community Presbyterian Church is hosting a community paper crafts activity. All ages and skill levels are welcome. There is no charge, and refreshments and materials are provided! Click on image to enlarge it.

Event Series Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

Buckeye Tree Lodge 46000 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers, CA, United States

Join Sandra for Vinyasa Yoga Classes @ The Canopy on Mondays at 7pm. Classes cost $15 and walk-ins are welcome. Classes take place at the Buckeye Tree Lodge
