Library - Three Rivers Together Library - Three Rivers Together

Event Series Teen Lego Hour at the Library

Lego Hour at the Library

Three Rivers Branch Library 42052 Eggers Drive, Three Rivers

Hey everyone! Lego Hour now welcomes Lego aficionados of all ages. :) Head over to the Three Rivers Branch Library and Create with Legos every Thursday from 4pm to 5pm. Click image for larger version.


Presentation: Four Decades in Sequoia-Kings Canyon

Three Rivers Branch Library 42052 Eggers Drive, Three Rivers

Join us at the Three Rivers Branch Library and explore the Sequoia and Kings Canyon through the eyes of Nate Stephenson. As a place-based scientist supporting decision-makers in Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks, much of his work over the past four decades has revolved around three simple questions about our local mountain landscapes:  (1) What’s changing?  (2) Why is it changing?  (3) And what, if anything, might need to be done about it?