Fundraiser - Three Rivers Together - Page 2 Fundraiser - Three Rivers Together - Page 2

Yard Sale Fundraiser for Wounded Veterans

Wood N Horse Training Stables 42846 North Fork Dr, Three Rivers, CA, United States

The purpose of this fundraiser is to raise money for the nonprofit "The Independence Fund," which helps severely wounded veterans become more mobile in their lives after losing arms and legs. Christy Wood started this campaign in 2014 and has already raised $32,000, which helped her buy two all-terrain track chairs that she has given to two Veterans in CA. Her next goal is to raise $5,000, which will give a full-time care giver a week-long retreat to renew themselves

Yard Sale Fundraiser for Wounded Veterans

Wood N Horse Training Stables 42846 North Fork Dr, Three Rivers, CA, United States

The purpose of this fundraiser is to raise money for the nonprofit "The Independence Fund," which helps severely wounded veterans become more mobile in their lives after losing arms and legs. Christy Wood started this campaign in 2014 and has already raised $32,000, which helped her buy two all-terrain track chairs that she has given to two Veterans in CA. Her next goal is to raise $5,000, which will give a full-time care giver a week-long retreat to renew themselves

Three Rivers Play Group Bake Sale

Village Green 40869 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers, CA

Friday December 22nd from 10am- noon Bake Sale at the Village Green to support the Three Rivers Play Group (which is all kids ranging from baby to school age). The money supports crafts, snacks, and activities for this group and we also maintain the playground behind the library. 

Sasquatch Trail Run

Dry Creek Preserve 35220 Dry Creek Road, Woodlake, CA

There is noises coming from the Dry Creek Preserve...Just before summer Sasquatch makes an appearance for just one day in the month of May. Are you ready to race through the Dry Creek Preserve and come face to face with Sasquatch? This Premier 5k has high end Swag and is a family friendly event. Bring your camera and let's hope you aren't the slowest runner. For more information and to sign up go to  

Redbud Garden Club Plant Sale

Lions Club Roping Arena 42490 North Kaweah River Drive, Three Rivers, CA, United States

The Redbud Garden Club will hold its annual community plant sale at the Lions Club Roping Arena during the Redbud Arts & Crafts Festival, May 11th and 12th.