Story Time at the Library
Three Rivers Branch Library 42052 Eggers Drive, Three RiversStory time for children learning to walk all the way to little readers.
Story time for children learning to walk all the way to little readers.
Hey everyone! Lego Hour now welcomes Lego aficionados of all ages. :) Head over to the Three Rivers Branch Library and Create with Legos every Thursday from 4pm to 5pm. Click image for larger version.
Buzz over to the library for another great talk sponsored by the Friends of the library! Jonathan Humphrey giving a presentation on the "Biology of Bees." Learn about their habitat, life cycle, endangerment, enemies, relation with humans, and bee raising for hobby or commercial use. Jonathan will bring hives and other materials. Click image to enlarge.
Join Shari for Intermediate Yoga Classes @ The Canopy on Thursdays at 7pm. Classes cost $15 and walk-ins are welcome. Classes take place at the Buckeye Tree Lodge